Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 3 - Exercise Killed the Radio Star

With apologies to the Buggles, and thanks to Brian for the inspiration of today's blog post title...

*Alarm Clock*---- Oh come ON!

Time for some unabated honesty. Yesterday SUCKED.

Class was great (with cheers to Megan), but about noon, I hit the wall. An unmovable, unrelenting, unclimbable, titanium wall. Everything seized. I couldn't move. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I couldn't even eat - I was so tired I was nauseated.

I got home after work, and I slept. And slept. And slept. Woke up for a couple of minutes, went back to sleep. Between 3:30 yesterday afternoon, and 9pm last night, I was awake for all of maybe an hour and a half. And you know what I learned?

I needed that. I didn't need food, or water, or even a shower. I needed SLEEP. So I let it happen. And miracle of miracles, I woke up this morning and everything sucked a whole lot less.

Oh I was/am still sore and I still wanted to throw my alarm clock through a wall, but I didn't feel like it was the end of the world and there was no way I could keep going.

Hooray! Breakthrough number 1.

(With HUGE kudos to my mother, who did my laundry, helped put my lunch and gym bags together, cooked me plain pasta with butter, salt and pepper which was apparently the only thing my body could fathom absorbing, and then telling me to stop fighting the sleep!)

SO back to the alarm clock - This morning I rolled semi-painfully (hey, my legs can support my weight again! That's cool...) out of bed, pulled myself together, and headed to class. Chris was beyond stellar once again. I told him I'd be a little slower today. He encouraged me to do what I could, pushed me when he knew I could do a little more, and gave me a well timed pat on the back to celebrate day 3.

It's also a lot of fun getting to know the others in the class. Folks have been asking about this blog - so I hope you ladies have found it! Welcome! And thanks for the encouragement. We'll see you again tomorrow... when we take on Day 4. Together.


  1. Enjoying your entertaining and honest posts! Yesterday was my 3rd class too, and I'm sharing your pain!

    1. So glad you're enjoying it... I'm really enjoying writing it. Keeps things in perspective. I just went back and read Sunday's post and it already feels like an eternity ago! Here's to the 4th class... only a couple of hours away!

  2. Although I've been doing this for a few years now - I'm only doing it 2 to 3 times a week - you are making me think that I'm only making excuses why I can't do it more often. You are rockin' it - keep goin'!

    1. If I can help to motivate even one person to take it to the next level, then I can consider this a success... You guys getting motivated is what keeps me going! High fives, and hope to see you in there 5 days a week soon. ;)

  3. Love this blog!! When I started working out with Chris, I couldn't even do a sit up. Needless to say, the first sessions were unbelievably exhausting - but then it starts to get better - and a few weeks in, you're amazed at what your body is accomplishing!

    You're doing so, so well!

    1. Thanks so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying it. This is a totally new thing for me all around, but I'm find the blogging part actually really helpful. Occasionally during the workout, I forget about the pain and think about how to put that moment into words... it's a nice distraction. :P

      Alrighty - off to bed! Time to get back at it in a few hours. Yikes. :P

  4. You are a brave young woman, Breezie! Emphasis on the young. It would be nice if I could do even a little of what you're doing, but til someone fixes my knees, about the only thing I can do is work and swim. Loved the reference to the Buggles song.

    1. I so wish you were here. The team at Bodynetix is phenomenal at working around injuries/chronic issues. Maybe I'll see what Chris recommends, and bring some ideas home with me in a couple of weeks!! xo
